
Diagnostic Testing

Family and Locally Owned | One-Year Labor WARRANTY | Competitively Priced

State-Of-The-Art Diagnostic Testing Services

Did your check engine light come on? It’s time to bring in your vehicle to Milwaukie Tire and Automotive Services. We use top-of-the-line machines for diagnostic testing.

We start off by talking with you about the issues you seem to be facing while driving. We will then run a diagnostic test to see if there are any error codes coming back from your vehicle’s computer. We research with the codes coming back to verify the problems your vehicle is facing. We compare the diagnostic information outputs to your complaints to see if what you told us and what your vehicles computer is telling us lines up. Once we find out what errors you are facing and maintenance needed we will consult with you on how to handle the problem and if we can move forward with fixing it for you today.

Bring it on!

Contact Us

Store Location

8921 SE Herbert Ct
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Tel: 503-655-6361
Fax: 503-655-1994

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 246
Clackamas, Oregon 97015

Payments Accepted

Visa, Mastercard & Cash

Financing through Synchrony Financial